Why am I Here? Because God wants you Here.


One thing is certain: everyone’s on a mission to figure out what life is all about. We often search for meaning in different areas like family, work, friends, hobbies, or by staying in shape and healthy. But deep down, we know these things don’t fill that “meaning of life” void. Clara Hill, a psychology professor, hit the nail on the head when she said, “Almost every problem that’s brought into therapy is implicitly about the meaning of life.” In simpler terms, many problems boil down to not knowing why we’re here.

Why do we all Crave Meaning so Much?

If we’re just a result of evolution, it seems pointless, unless we’re just here to make us keep on trucking and having kids. But that doesn’t quite feel right either. What if we’re wired to seek meaning because we’re meant to understand our purpose? To know our place in this world?

If you’re trying to figure out what that new gadget on Amazon is for, wouldn’t you look to the manufacturer for an explanation? It would make sense then that to find our purpose, we should talk to the one who made us in the first place.

The Bible: A Guide to Purpose

Let’s talk about the Bible. It’s not just the longest best seller ever, it’s a love story from God to us. It’s His diary, and He’s given us some solid life advice. The Bible is here to help us understand Him, ourselves, and show us our life’s purpose!

The Bible’s opening pages set the stage for humanity’s unique role in creation. On the sixth day, after everything else was created, God created humans in His image. That’s a big deal, often called the “Imago Dei,” which is Latin for “the image of God.” It means we’re different from everything else in creation, even the angels. Humans are designed to reflect God and have a special connection with Him. This means there are three things to consider:

  1. Everyone is Valuable
    The “Imago Dei” means you’re valuable because you carry a piece of God’s image in you. It’s kind of like how parents adore their kids because they can see themselves reflected back to them in their kids. You’re valuable to God not because of what you’ve achieved but just because you’re His creation. He loves you more than you can imagine.

  2. No One is a Mistake
    God doesn’t make mistakes. You’re not some random accident. He formed you in the womb, just like it says in Isaiah 44:2. It doesn’t matter what your parents’ story was or what your family looks like; you’re not a mistake. You’re part of God’s grand plan.
  1. God Wants a Relationship with You
    In Colossians 1:15-23, there’s a poetic passage that talks about how Jesus created everything. Remember when Genesis said, “Let us make mankind in our image”? Jesus is part of that “us.” But things changed when sin entered the picture, creating a gap between us and God.

However, God’s love knows no bounds. He sent Jesus to repair our relationship with God  through His death, making us holy and blameless in His eyes. This shows how much God wants a relationship with us. The more we embrace this relationship, the more we reflect His image within us.


The “Why am I here?” question starts with the truth that we’re made in the image of God. That truth tells us we’re valuable, not accidents, and God wants a meaningful relationship with us. But that’s just the beginning.

In this series, we’ll explore how this truth impacts every aspect of our lives and helps us find fulfillment and purpose. We’ll discover that the hope of the gospel can transform our understanding of our purpose and guide us on this journey.

When we lack purpose and understanding, life can feel empty and lonely. But with the knowledge that we are created in God’s image, we can embark on a journey filled with meaning and fulfillment, guided by our relationship with Him.


Check out other messages in this series: