Building God’s
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under
compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
2 Corinthians 9:7
Giving financially to CenterPoint Church enables us to build God’s Kingdom here on Long Island and
strengthens ministries all over the world.
CenterPoint app
You can give using the CenterPoint app on Apple and Android devices.

Annual Report 2025
Review our Church’s Annual Report and celebrate what God has done this year!
We are able to exist and carry out our mission because of faithful giving from
everyone who calls CenterPoint Church their home.
Maybe you’re new to giving at church or you’ve given at other churches in the past
but are wondering what the custom is for giving at CenterPoint Church. In line with
1 Chronicles 29:14, we believe God owns everything because He is the Creator, Maker
and Giver of all things — so when we give, we are merely giving back a portion of
what belongs to God in response to His love for us.
Because God has given richly to us, we give back to Him as an act of worship. Just
as we worship through music and teaching, we are also worshiping God when we give
back to Him in order to grow His Kingdom here on Earth.
Here is an excellent video about why Christians should live generously.
We are so glad that you are attending CenterPoint Church. We always want guests to
feel comfortable learning about God without worrying about giving any money. We are
honored that you are coming back.
If you have been blessed by God through worshiping at CenterPoint Church, now is a
great time to start giving. It doesn’t need to be a large amount, even a small act
of giving makes a difference. Just like learning to follow Jesus is an ongoing
journey, becoming a generous giver is another process in your spiritual growth.
Start small. Be consistent. We make it very easy to do both. When you click on the
button that corresponds with your campus, you will have the opportunity to sign up
of recurring giving. Check that box and set an amount. Perhaps setting it to donate
on pay day works for you.
Once you are in the habit, you can easily adjust the amount of your giving.
If you are in a life group, the leaders are a great resource for understanding generosity. You can also talk to a pastor at your campus. We are here to help you and pray with you as we all partner to grow God’s Kingdom here on LI.
Yes! We recognize that people give in many different ways. We have a brokerage account and a cryptocurrency processor. For details please call the office 516-826-0432. Please note that these resources are considered and handled as non-cash gifts.
We are always looking for better ways to improve how we minister. This secure new
giving interface allows you to interact directly with your profile in our database
(Planning Center). Like many online payment processors, they make sure that all of
your financial information is correct for the first transaction. All future gifts
will be super streamlined and easy. Once you authenticate your account, you can:
Make your own changes to recurring giving
Check your own giving records at any time
See your registration for events
You can also install Planning Center’s Church Center app on your Apple or Google
phone. (This is different than Planning Center’s Services app or the CenterPoint
app.) Once installed, select CenterPoint Church and you can:
Update your address, email and phone number
Register for events
Track your volunteer schedule
Sign up for or manage your life group.
Thank you for your patience as we slowly transition everything to Planning Center.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the office at 516-826-0432
or email
We are proud to have ECFA certification. Nearly 2,400 churches and ministries across the U.S.
We have earned the right to display ECFA’s seal of financial integrity. What exactly does the seal signify, and how does ECFA ensure compliance with its standards?