
Centerpoint Church
School of Ministry


Equip is a college-level educational program designed to equip believers with a strong biblical and theological foundation, offered by CenterPoint in partnership with the Christian & Missionary Alliance. The goal of this program can be found in Ephesians 4:12 as we are working to “equip the saints for the work of the ministry.”

Pastor Scott Creps,
EQUIP School of Ministry Director

Caroline Leone
EQUIP School of Ministry Administrator

Questions? Contact caroline.leone@cpchurch.com


Next classes
Coming up


Registrations to open April 2nd. This will be our final Equip session of the semester. The Equip program will restart in September 2025. Please check back in late summer to see classes being offered.

Course #2: Inductive Bible Study

Instructor: Pastor Bob Bambino

Location: Kings Park Campus, 25 West Main St. | Kings Park

Dates: Tuesdays - 4/29, 5/6, 5/13, 5/20, 5/27

Time: 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM


Course #9: Church Ministry 2: Outreach & Care

Instructor: Pastor Martin Ascher

Location: Massapequa Campus - 98 Jerusalem Ave. | Massapequa

Dates: Mondays - 4/28, 5/5, 5/12, 5/19, 6/03 (No class on Memorial Day)

Time: 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM


Course #10: Expository Preaching

Prerequisite: You must have completed Course 2, Inductive Bible Study prior to taking the Expository Preaching class.

Instructor: Pastor Frankie Ferrante

Location: Bay Shore Campus, 68 Redington St. | Bay Shore

Dates: Tuesdays - 4/29, 5/6, 5/13, 5/20, 5/27

Time: 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM


Course #13: Raising Leaders for the Harvest

Instructor: Pastor Scott Creps

Location: Online Class

Dates: Mondays - 4/28, 5/5, 5/12, 5/19, 6/03 (No class on Memorial Day)

Time: 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM


Equip Classes Summary

Classes 1-13 taught by CenterPoint pastors and staff, in person or online for 5-6 weeks per class. Auditing classes is available by permission. Please contact us for more information. Cost: $50 per class.


In order for students to qualify as having completed a course and earned credit, they may not miss more than one (1) class due to unforeseen circumstances (i.e., illness, emergencies, etc.). You must make up any missed lesson(s). Please ask a fellow student for notes and/or the teacher for any handouts or assignments you may have missed. All reading assignments, papers, and projects must be completed by the end of the last class. If there are extenuating circumstances for which you need additional time, you may discuss that with your teacher, but no more than a 2-week grace period will be accepted in order to qualify for having completed the course. Missing more than 1 week or missing assignments will default as an incomplete. In order to qualify for full credit for the Equip certification, you would need to retake the course.